Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I usually do not watch Indian news channels as soon as I reach home from work but yesterday something prompted me too. I guess it probably was a desire to see if I could catch a few glimpses of the 20 -20 match highlights where Tendulakar, Afridi and Dhoni blasted away the bowlers. Well I did get to see blasts but of a different kind.

The immediate reaction was to call all family and friends in Bombay and it took a while before I got through. Addy I got through. Shweta, Varsha, Nakkay, Shinu I couldn’t get through. Ansha luckily stayed at home. Vinu was still at work. Nish, Abha I couldn’t contact. And I was wondering what must be going through everyone’s mind sitting out there in that cursed city. “Bombs” was the answer I came up with. There are bombs on everyone’s mind. Just waiting to explode.

I was sitting at home watching images that fill me with rage so furious that I could erupt in fumes any moment. And yet I felt so helpless. Other than the phone calls and prayers there was nothing much I could think of doing. Then I began calling everyone over here who I knew had relatives back home and then more panic began to set in. What if someone over here lost his near and dear ones?

And then I think that such acts not only bring people together but links nations. Gives them something in common to combat against. Acts of terror. I was trying to figure out the significance of 7/11 and I could not come up with any. Maybe someone could enlighten me on the same.

But what fills me with awe is that tomorrow all of you guys will be back at work. Talk about it a little and carry on with business as usual. The resilience that the city has is mind blowing [if I may use that term]. Hats off to you guys! I would have simply rebelled.

Melwyn Abraham to folks in Mumbai post 7/11

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