Sunday, October 27, 2013

Saviour By Our Side

A vow, a promise, body and blood

To save us in drought and flood

While on earth our time we bide

He continues to stay by our side

Monday, October 21, 2013

DODOS for survival

The Dodo represents everything foolish, stupid, useless and about to go extinct. But they too had a purpose. The Calvaria tree which grew on the dodo’s native island was dependent on the dodo for its survival. The thick hull of the tree’s seeds could sprout only after it had been through the severities of the dodo’s digestive system. The tress almost went extinct too after the bird did and it was only when turkeys were brought to the island that they managed to save a handful of the trees.

Sometimes we too feel insignificant and less competent than others but each of us serves a purpose and has an important role to play even if others and we ourselves don’t see it. Hang in there. Someone else is dependent on you. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Little Things

Never underestimate the little things in life. Small actions - few words of kindness, a helping hand, a grateful smile can all be something big to someone else. Never shy away from contributing to anything positive because you feel your contribution maybe insignificant. It never is. 

Remember - A Lantern can do what the sun never can: Shine at Night.