Tuesday, June 23, 2009


You can’t do without them, that is for sure. It exists. If you do want to maintain it then that also is your relationship. They never remain constant. They constantly evolve. But there is one factor that affects all relationships and that is attitude. It is your attitude that will help make or break your relationship. Good times happen because of the stance you take to a particular situation. And during the bad times, your approach decides on whether you drift apart or some closer.

Death for example can take people apart or get them closer. I remember the death of my grandma brought the whole family closer with my sister donning the mantle that ma granny once held. It could have gone wither way. She could have fallen apart and all of us would have also, but the attitude she took saved us all. There is no better feeling that sitting next to the one you love especially in times when you have lost another loved one.

Trust is another key ingredient. It’s like a pair of socks. Its gotta be two and it’s got to match. It’s the foundation of any relationship. When you feel betrayed by a particular situation you have to take a look at it objectively and look at the intent behind the actions. Many a time we feel betrayed, and we probably are by our own perspective and expectations but it need not be that someone else betrayed us. That is nothing but your attitude.

Understanding. Its difficult understanding the word understanding. Very often it’s misunderstood. Your understanding is also based on your attitude. If you take responsibility to ensure that others understand perfectly what you are communicating and you understand perfectly what others are communicating the relationship work pretty smooth.

Many a time we feel incomplete. No man can live as an island they say [though we can definitely live on one]. We feel we are imperfect, and so we're always searching for somebody to perfect us. We get into a relationship. When, after a few years or a few months of a relationship, we find that we're still incomplete, we blame our partners and take up with somebody more promising or sometimes with something more promising. It need not be a person. We do share relationships with inanimate objects as well though we may not realize it. Food, TV, Sports, etc. This can go on and on--series polygamy--until we admit that while a partner can add sweet dimensions to our lives, we, each of us, are responsible for our own fulfillment. Nobody else can provide it for us, and to believe otherwise is to delude ourselves dangerously and to program for eventual failure every relationship we enter.”

I have a few relationships that I consider real important to me. Some of them have existed from the time I was born, some from my childhood, one from my stay here and one in the very recent past. I cannot define them though. I am limited by vocabulary. They are not water tight compartments and often spill in over to another compartment. So I shall not try to define them or set parameters but instead when I refer to them for other people I shall use generic terms like friend, sibling, and colleague so that someone may have a term to put to it. I do not need one.

You know how important you are to me and the very fact that you are reading this means you are already an integral part of my life for life.

Monday, June 22, 2009

First Gift

My uncle and aunt were in the hospital because my cousin had just entered this world, and a colleague from office visited him and enquired about my little cousin. He then gifted them a bar of chocolate that he bought 'specially' for the baby.

Friend: She likes chocolates doesn't she? [he was talking about the baby]
Uncle: Yeah she does. In fact Dairy Milk is her favorite brand.

My aunt did not stop laughing.

UnDO - Ctrl Z

So we were at Willy's place over the weekend and we were talking about how couples used to be before marriage. So Petr was telling us about how he used to sit at home on Thursday evenings and play PS3 and so would not meet us at Bostons for drinks and dance.

Petr: I used to not do anything on Thursday evening but sit with Roger and Eddy and play PS3.

Lynn decided to support him as a wife and said, "Ya he really didn't do anything on Thursdays. Including me."

Lynn wishes she could undo that moment.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Am listening to Dish ramble on for the last 20 minutes and this girl goes on and on and she is just so animated with her voice when she talks about her friend, you cant help but not listen or interrupt her. You just the most excited girl I have ever know in Dubai.

Shamona leaves today for a holiday and Dubai is a lot quieter and slower without her. Taboo is never fun without her especially if she is in the other team. Headbandz is something we have not seen her in full glory as yet. Will miss you kuttyno.

Petr came up with an absolute beauty yesterday at soccer. Why did SRK drink himself to death in Devdaas? Because both the women in his life were singing Dil dola [Dildo La]