Monday, November 2, 2015

First 5 Laws of Social Media

Social Media Laws that Brands must follow to be successful in the long run

1.       The Social Law

Social is the keyword. No one wants to be friends with people who only talk and think about themselves. Think of a social gathering and how the conversations would drift from personal stuff to everything related to the people involved. Talk about yourself, but importantly talk to others and topics that they would find interesting too.
2.       The Acknowledgement Law 

It is a universal law. People like to be seen, heard and appreciated. Acknowledge contributions and support from your fans, image providers, content providers and those who like and comment on your page. A simple like or a comment in reply goes a long way in building relationships with them. Always Acknowledge.
3.       The Exchange Law

I scratch your back and you scratch mine. Well not literally. But if you are not willing to share, like and comment on other peoples content it would be foolish to expect them to do the same for you. This relationship will be no different from any other successful relationship. Give and Receive.

4.       The Availability Law

 Be there. The worst thing one can do on social media is to think that posting is enough and then forget about the post till you put up the next one. Your fans will need you from time to time and it is important that you be there for them. Check your page regularly for comments and queries.
5.       The Patience Law

 Good things take time to become good. Think of it like a seed you plant whose shade and fruit you will benefit from. Don’t expect wonders to happen just because your brand is present on social media. You have to invest in it and watch it grow steadily and then you can reap the benefits of it. Be patient.

-Melwyn Abraham

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