Wednesday, September 25, 2013


I heard this speech in a class with my English professor. He narrated an incident of how he travelled to a foreign land and had to make a phone call to his hotel to come pick him from his current location. He entered the phone booth but because of the fading light outside he could not clearly see the number or the dialpad. There was a bulb above in the booth but he could not find a way to turn it on. So he left the door ajar to let some light from out come in. A passerby noticed his plight and told him to shut the door and immediately the light overhead came on. 

This happens with us in life too. We seek the light to our problems but are not willing to let go of them or commit ourselves completely to the solution. It is actually really simple. But being simple does not mean it easy. All you have to do is shut the door completely for the light to come on. We all find it hard in life to let go of many things and we hold on to them not knowing that they are the cause of darkness. 

We fear shutting the door will keep us in complete darkness while in fact it will bring on the light.
So don’t turn on the light… simply shut the door.

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