Yeah Yeah,
You see both sides of the coin. And all that jazz. Good. Even I do. I understand both sides. Does not mean I have 2 accept it. Sometimes you have to go to hell to fight for a heavenly cause. To fight for the right to be allowed to decide what’s wrong and what’s right.
The world will be better by this that one man scorned and covered with scars, strove till his last ounce of courage to reach the unreachable star. It’s what I fight for the right to freedom to dream my own dream. I don’t want someone else to tell me what to dream. The perfect dream is always readymade for us. Its already been decided. I don’t want that dream.
It’s like that scenery painting we did in school where scenery meant mountains, house, tree and waterfall. That isn’t my scenery. The maximum scope I was allowed in that was to choose between having pointed mountains or curvy ones. That’s not freedom. That’s not how I perceive scenery. That’s what we take away from children. The freedom of thought. We put blinkers and you have been born and brought up with the same thought. That’s all that is right. Scenery cannot be something g that not visually beautiful. It has to be perfect. WHITE. If it’s not white it’s BLACK.
We are born into slavery. You and me both. It’s like those ants you see on discovery. You know these big giant ants capture the colonies of the others and kill the living and carry away the larvae. Then the larvae are born into slave ants. And they do not know they do not actually belong there. They think it’s the way of life and happily engage in becoming slave ants. And that’s what they do till they die. That’s us. Just that I refuse to be a slave. I know there is more to me than what the colony says. I know I will be shot down trying to escape. But I will keep trying till my last breath. To go beyond what is visible. We are all servants. The question is not about whether to serve or not it’s about whom to serve and I will serve my consciousness.
Like Truman did in the Truman show. Everything around is so fake and controlled. I know there is a world beyond this. Like what Frisco tells his sweetheart in atlas shrugged. And that’s what I pursue. Utopia isn’t it?
And I know if only I’ll b true to this glorious quest then my heart will lie peaceful and calm when I am laid to rest.
Melwyn Abraham venting out at a friend
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